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Think ahead

Australian made round poly cattle feeders. Increasing efficiencies and safety, reducing costs and optimizing free range cattle feeding.


Switch your rusty cattle feeder to
a no-rust, round poly cattle feeder


Do you want a reliable cattle feeder that doesn't rust, lasts longer, saves time and is efficient? Reduces your WHS risks? And gives you greater control over how much your cattle eat?  

Maybe you want to fatten your cattle, faster? Or use a cattle feeder that sustains them with free range feeding when there's no feed in the paddock? Or a stock feeder that's perfect for backgrounding cattle prior to putting them in a feedlot?


With the Roswell Ag cattle feeder, you will. 

You save time and money. Our cattle feeder is easy to use and maintain. 

Our round poly cattle feeder is Australian owned and made. And built to last.


The Roswell Ag RCF 9500 is a round poly cattle feeder made from UV stabilized linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE.)  (That's Rotathene SUPA UV with with the highest level of UV protection, and more than double the UV performance required by the AS/NZ4766 standard. For you, that means a superior product providing prolonged outdoor protection in Australia's harsh environment.)


You'll benefit from longevity, efficiency and feed ration optimisation. Because it's an exceptionally clever and durable self feeder. So our cattle feeder outlasts and outperforms metal feeders.


You can use our cattle feeder for finishing cattle, for backgrounding cattle or for supplementary ration feeding, drought feeding and winter feeding. It's ideal for free range cattle feeding and lick feeding. Or you can use it in opportunity feedlots.


And, you can use it to self-feed any cattle, from weaners to bulls. 


Best of all, it solves all the issues that have bugged you for years about metal grain feeders. 

“Roswell Ag’s cattle feeders are critical to our business. They're light, easy to use and don't rust. For paddock feeding of the future these cattle feeders are just amazing.

The late Lachlan Hughes, Miles

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Proud supporters of the LACHLAN HUGHES FOUNDATION

Lachlan was, and his family remains, a loyal Roswell Ag supporter.


$50 from every feeder sold will be donated to this worthwhile cause. 


You save money: reducing transport costs by up to 80%

No rust: it’s premium grade poly


You save time: there's less frequent filling, with 50% greater capacity than comparable feeders


Fast, efficient feeds: 30% more trough space than standard feeders


Safer for cattle: no sharp corners to bruise muscle and damage cattle hides


Easy and efficient central filling: it’s translucent, so there's minimal spillage


Easy to move: it has a modular design


Long lasting: if it bends, it bends back


Easy to clean and maintain: no leaks through bent lids, so minimal blockages, and it’s just like a teflon frying pan


Safer for farm workers: you can view the feed level from the ground as it’s translucent

Find out how to fatten your cattle, faster.
Download our brochure now. 

Find out more about our round poly cattle feeder (Australian patent application No. 2014901818)


Solving your current cattle feeder problems is what we’re all about.


Our cattle feedout bin was designed in direct response to research and feedback from cattle producers, like you. We listened. Put ourselves in your shoes. Rigorously researched and tested. Thought carefully and cleverly. Applied our genuine understanding of your needs. Then thought again.


The result is the Roswell Ag RCF 9500 cattle feeder. It's your innovative cattle feeding solution.  


Find out more about our poly cattle feeder.



Talk to the man behind the cattle feeding innovation.

Call Bill Findlay
0401 995 166



At Roswell Ag, re-engineering is what we do best.


We're always looking for ways to enhance the product we deliver. That’s why we love client feedback – the good bits and the bad. About what you like and want to see more of in our next generation poly cattle feeder. And about the issues you’d like refined in our current self feeder.


So get in touch. We'd love a chat with cattle producers like you. 


And we’re not stopping here. We’re leaders, not followers, so our research and development is ongoing. And we’d love you to be part of it.

© 2023 Roswell Ag Pty Ltd


P: +61 401 995 166


511 Nunans Hill Road

Hazelgrove NSW 2787


The Roswell Ag Pty Ltd brand is trademarked and there has been a patent applied for RCF 9500 cattle feeder (Australian patent application No. 2014901818).

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